Monday, October 29, 2012

come back~ ! ;)

hello ladies and gentleman

this post is my come back post after being invisible for almost a year maybe? haha :p
within a year of my invisible, many things happened and i had been through.

jengjeng. what i'm gonna tell you ehh?

the one that really change my life. this is true.

maybe ade yang tahu aku consume HERBALIFE, okey sbnrnye dah lama pongg.

result aku tak segempak org lain, yang turun berat berkilo-kilo.

tapi ape yg tersangat terkesan SGT dekat hati is my health improve. being healthy is happiness.
korang takkan tau ape perasaannya, bila every single month korang akan demam, demam bukan demam2 biasa. demam yang sampai nak bangun pon tak boleh. this is sad you know. just because of the very weak antibody.

i realized that my antibody was very weak during my school days. but then, it became worst in matric.
Ya Allah, waktu ni seriously mmg demam yang kaw2 punya.tiap-tiap bulan. and sampai satu hari ni, one of my roomate cakap macam ni "tiya, kau ni kenapa asek demam je?" and bla bla. ayat yang membuatkan aku sedih, bayangkan org tgh demam kawan sendiri cakap something yg mcm menunjukkan kita ni menyusahkan dia. hello, ingat aku suka demam ke? ye, antibody awak kuat.tapi tak bermakna you can say that to me,seriously!

because of this and a few incidents happened, i came to realize that i should find some ways to improve my health. it is sick you know you have to swallow all those words and that so called "scott emulsion".
dari sekolah kena suap scott emulsion ni, utk kuatkan antibody. but it gave me nothing you know. mcm tak de effect. *sigh* until finally i found this product.

Herbalife --> nutrition for a better life. Nutrition for the cell. mmg mula2 aku amek sbb nak loss weight, padahal tak de la berat tu lebih 55 kg pon. tp rase mcm best je. ahaha. so,aku decide nak amek. sebab die sedap dan kenyang membuatkan i fall in love with the product. and the result yang aku dapat is amazingggggggggg!!! okey berat mmg turun tapi sebab tak consistent, tak discipline. berat pon main cak cak kejap naik kejap turun. *padan muka kauuuu tiya* hahahha

TAPI, bendaaaaa yang palinggg best yang aku sendiri tak perasan is aku dah jarang demam. tapi aku ade gastrik yang sgt kronik, sampai satu hari gastrik dengan hebat demam seminggu. on last day demam tu, mmg muntah smpai 4 kali. last sekali coach aku cakap try amek aloe concentrate, so aku pon ikut je cakap die bodoh-bodoh. ikut je buat je ape yg die suruh. Alhamdulillah, a gift from Allah. all the health problems improved. MasyaAllah, Subhanallah. All thanks to Allah because if Him not letting me know this product and people, i'm might suffer the very low antibody and severe gastric until now. Thank You Allah, Thank You Herbalife.

when i came to realize, i have to consume seriously,discipline and consistent. without realize, i lost 3 kg in a month * ni masa puasa* yeay yeay! Alhamdulillah. but why i want to do herbalife is because of my parents and adik. they had health problems. Mama ada byk penyakit and dia kena makan banyak ubat. i hate to see that. and adik is suffering for her eczema. sampai suatu hari dia menangis tak boleh tidur malam,sbb eczema on her face. merah, gatal and like a rashes. siapa sampai hati tengok adik sendiri kena mcm tu. so, aku pon doa pada Allah, klu aku buat herbalife is it the best path for me? adakah ia terbaik utk ku. doa pnya doa. i have strong feeling yang i need to do something utk my parents and adik. if by herbalife, can buy their health and happiness. i'm willing to sacrifice. hurmm. though i know the journey might be hard, but sometimes when u have the strong reason to do something, you will get the strength to make it through. seriously!

Ya Allah, seriously. i thanked to you for allowing me to meet my sponsor,
Kak Yana and Iman :))
here some photos for you :)

ni iman punya testimoni.kurus gilo kan mamat ni dlu. haha

BIG THANKS to them :) seriously, kak yana tunggu aku lama utk aku join. tapi sebab dia sabar tunggu aku lepas tu keep on supporting me. Sebak bila ingat. haha.

now, kak yana menunggu saat nak bersalin. Allah, ease their journey. ease them in every single thing. :) May Allah bless both of them. tak sabar nak jumpa baby dorg yang bakal lahir. welcome to the world baby :))

so anyone, lose weight, gain weight, or improve health? 
LET ME HELP YOU. serious people only :)

contact : 0194150047

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