hello hello,
orang study week aku kemain update blog. hehe.
amazing weekend i had last week. sebab ada KICK OFF & TWINS OF FAITH.
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Family is where the story begins! |
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okey, sebenarnya on saturday tu aku sedih sebab tak dpt pergi. because i thought there is NO on-side ticket will be sold. haa pandai lagi buat conclusion. tapi Allah Maha Baik, tau aku nak learn something from there, Allah gerakkan hati aku baca semuaaaaaa tweet yg org2 yg pergi sana live. hehe. then, suddenly ada org bagi tau. HARI AHAD harga tiket rm30. so aku mmg decide terus nak pergi after kick off. no matter what happen. even, i knew i came there very late almost 6 pm. but I asked Allah, Ya Allah please help me and give me something that I can see and can touched my heart. ALHAMDULILLAH.
Eventhough sangat2 lambat tapiiii Allah bukak pintu hati bagi nampak apa yg aku nak cari dlm tu. SubhanAllah :)
3 slot yang aku sempat masuk. nak share sikit apa yg aku dpt ;
- our death is near;
do not hold your money. Invest for your children's education, invest for your family's health. MAXIMISE YOUR INVESTMENT - give sadaqah; help other people who really need. YOU'RE GOING TO BUY YOUR JANNAH
- how? by giving sadaqah and help other people especially the one who really needs it. sebab apa itulah sumber saham akhirat kita :')
- waktu ni seriously, realise yang betapa perlunya kita untuk jadi Muslim yang kaya. sebab apa sebab orang-orang yang ditindas selalunya sebab takde duit. Perlunya kita jadi MUSLIM yang KAYA supaya kita boleh bagi dan sumbang sambil protect MUSLIM yang lain daripada ditindas.
- waktu ni memang rasa nak menangis, sebab real depan mata org yg betul2 niat nak sumbang ke jalan Allah sanggup gadai barang kemas mereka.
- A DAY IN PARADISE -by Tawfique Chowdhury
- as you enter Jannah, all the Angels ( malaikat) will give salam to you and smile. the smile will cause huge lightning. SubhanAllah
- on Friday, is the day where you can meet everyone; even Rasulullah and his sahabats.
- on Friday also is the day where you can have one to one session with Allah s.w.t.
- once, you're done meeting Allah, you will passing through a huge market amazingly and exclusively constructed for you to shop. *maksudnye lebih kurang waktu ni semua yg kite infaqkan ke jalan Allah, kite dpt reward dia* if i'm not mistaken. correct me if I'm wrong :)
- ketua semua bidadari, yang merupakan permaisuri istana di syurga tu, PALING CANTIK, adalah isteri di dunia. Dan melihat kecantikan Permaisuri ni, si suami akan ignore semua isteri2 lain, dan hanya nampak isteri di dunia sahaja.SubhanAllah
- the greatest tragedy is: if you enter Jahannam, you will NEVER be able to meet ALLAH. *Nauzubillah*
oh Allah, please enter me to Jannah,
oh Allah, please enter me to Jannah.,
oh Allah, please enter me to Jannah,
oh Allah, please don't deny to meet me,
oh Allah, please enter me to Jannah because that is the reason why you create me.
slot last : Abdurraheem Green
- love in Dunya ---> will destroy your IKHLAS
- if you are afraid of what people may say/think about you. it means that you fear the people MORE than you fear ALLAH
- The difference between sahabats & us = IKHLAS ; QUALITY OF DEEN = LEVEL of IKHLAS
- THINK ABOUT WHY YOU'RE DOING THE ACTION. IT'S ALL ABOUT WHY. WHAT IS YOUR NIAT & INTENTION? * okey, benda ni pon aku belajar dalam herbalife, why is much more important than how! see? *
- hide your good deeds as good as you hide your sins. T__T *lesson: jangan mengungkit*
and on the Day of Judgement, Allah will ask WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YOUR YOUTH?
waktu ni memang tersentap gila-gila, terfikir yang apa yang aku spend masa youth. Alhamdulillah, Allah sedarkan masa usia yang masih muda. sampai sekarang it keeps playing in my head. nak jawab apa klu Allah tanya? nak cakap, i spend my youth by doing this and that, facebook? lepaking with friends? T___T *nangis air mata berjurai-jurai time ni*
nak cakap i spend my mom & dad's money at the shopping complex? takkan nak cakap macam tu. think people think! we are supposed to be a thinking people - Abdurraheem Green
Tawfique Chowdhury |
He is expressing his journey to convert into Islam in a beautiful way, subhanAllah :') |
one word yang memang ingat dari apa yg dia express;
it's not all about time.
the decision is within your hands!
maksudnya, nak buat apa-apa there is NO RIGHT time. if you want to make and do something, just decide!and make actions. don't procrastinate because the time will not waiting for you.
and tiba-tiba teringat yang kak yana cakap the same thing!
"then which of the blessing of your Load, will you both (Jinn and Men) deny? " [Ar-Rahman]
kalau perasan, Allah sebut ayat ni sangat banyaaaaakk kali dalam surah Ar-Rahman.
kalau korang hayati dalami betul-betul ayat ni, seriously boleh menangis teresak-esak.
pheww pheww tak tau dah nak cakap macam mana.
korang memang kena pergi Twins of Faith ni kalau betul-betul nak berubah to be a better Muslim
dekat sini jugak, dia ada cakap pasal dreams. Dream Big. but dreams will not come true without ACTIONS. actions come from? DECISIONS.! so apa-apa pon betul kan niat, decide betul-betul. don't wasting our youth and time with the non benefit things okey :)
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